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•Improved: Range Attack - The new attack model has been integrated and the configuration has been optimized.
NOTE: If you have a problem, please give feedback.
•Fixed: Char Creator - Fixed the issue of the slot closing when character creation failed.

•Fixed: Okey start issue (Excessive delays in connection can cause sets to be wasted!)
WARNING: When the bot is active (farming, teleporting etc..) if you turn on the play feature, this may cause the sets to be wasted!.

•Removed: General / Actions - this feature removed atm
•Fixed: General fix
•Optimized: Optimized client-side

•Fixed: General fix
•Added: General / Actions - You can record some actions and perform them
What can be recorded?
- Player movement
- Keyboard activity
- NPC dialogs
- Buy / Sell
- Storage activity
- Item activity
- UI activity (some button clicks and user inputs)
- Item refine
- Trade with other players
NOTE: This is still beta version and may not work properly
•Fixed: Archer walk issue
•Changed: Yutnori - You can save play option to settings now. (Excessive delays in connection can cause sets to be wasted!)

•Added: Utilities / Auto Potions - Sun and Moon Elixir options.
•Fixed: Disconnect issue on Carpathians server when going to talk with alchemist.
•Fixed: Due to some conflicting codes, bug while the "MR" (Map Reload) feature is active.

•Fixed: Disconnect issue when start/stop shopbot.
•Fixed: Visual glitch issue when restart shopbot.
•Fixed: Staying AFK issue when could not load settings properly (it'll restart at 10th min.).
•Added: General/Locations - you can save locations and teleport via double-click.

•Added: Utilities - Use Items.
•Added: Utilities - Ghost Mode.
•Added: Farm - Auto Ghost Mode.
•Added: Skill-Statu - Use Mount.
•Added: AntiBan - Disable Pickup option.
•Added: SHOPBOT - Now when stopping the bot, if the private shop is open, it will close.
•Fixed: LVLBOT - Player spinning issue.
•Fixed: LVLBOT - Fixed the issue of archer player not going to talk to the alchemist.

•Added: Alchemy - Buy Bars, added "Only Gold" option.
•Added: Other - Exp Tracker: If player not gain EXP for ... min, restart client.
•Added: Other - Close daily popup window, its optional now.

•Improved: Teleport.
•Improved: Stability.

•Fixed: Fishbot - Fixed the issue of skipping the golden tuna.
•Added: Kelpie Key added to fish filter.

•!Fixed: Range Attack - Fixed the issue of interrupting the attack caused by "Wait HP".
•Fixed: Fishbot - Fixed the issue of skipping the golden tuna.
•Fixed: Chat Spam.
•Fixed: Auto Upgrade - Loop issue when player has quest weapon.

•Fixed: Boost - Anim.
•Fixed: Fishb0t - Instant Fish.
•Added: Pickup - Delay.
•Added: Antiban - Wait for revive.
•Added: Farm - Metin Stone Farm.
•Improved: Maps - Improved blocked areas on some maps and added visuals.

•Fixed: PutCor - Put cors to storage.
•Fixed: BuyBar - Buy gold/silver bars.
•Fixed: Alchemy Refine - Auto refine.
•Fixed: Character position issue.

•Fixed: Shop closure issue.

•Fixed: SeerEvent - Gold prize issue.
•Fixed: SeerEvent - Move Next Char issue (while Play disabled).
•Fixed: Range Attack - Wait HP issue.
•Fixed: Range Attack - Play low mode issue.

•Added: SeerEvent - Buy gold prize.
•Added: SeerEvent - Level control.
•Fixed: SeerEvent - Collect.
•Fixed: SeerEvent - Move next char.
•Fixed: Exploit - Crash issue.
•Fixed: AutoSell - Empty slot issue.
•Fixed: Alchemy Refine - Distance issue.

•Fixed: Direct Mode - Use it at your own risk!
•Added: Events - Seer Event.
•Added: Attack Type - Continuous has been added again as an option.
•Checked: Attack Type - Exploit has been tested, no problem detected.

•Fixed: Fixed the lag issue that occurred when Boost was turned off.

•Fixed: After-maintenance fixes have been made.
•WARNING: Your "Attack Type" settings may have changed!

•Improved: Macro Mode - accelerated.
•Fixed: Auto Upgrade - NPC issue.

•Fixed: Special character issue.

•Enabled: Macro Mode - changed as fully macro.
•WARNING: Login problems have been detected in some of the passwords with special characters ( "+", "#" ETC..) in them! We're working on it..
•WARNING: There is no 2FA support yet!
•NOTE: We are working on Direct Mode, please don't use it for now!

•Improved: Improved slhost endpoint performance.

•Checked: After the checks, it was found that there were no problems with ISP ips during login, but most slow and risky ips were blocked when using a proxy.

•Fixed: Some memory garbage issues

•Changed/Enabled: Alchemy Refine - You can now use this feature manually. When activated while close to the alchemist, it performs a refine process.

•Fixed: Pickup - fixed some pickup functions.
•Disabled: Put Cors, Buy Bar, Alchemy Refine - These features have been disabled for now because they lead to conflicts and crashes.

•Fixed: General fixes have been made after the major update.
•NOTE: There may be some errors and unexpected situations. Fixes of these will be provided in due course.

•Fixed: Fixed an issue that caused slhost to break file integrity.

•Changed: Direct Login - Login operations will now be performed via slhost_1_2...exe
•WARNING: Accordingly, you can download the new proxy rules from the "Guides" section.
•Fixed: Fixed an issue that caused some of them to not be deleted when cleaning up renamed old clients.
•Fixed: Anti-Ban - Fixed missing nicknames.
•WARNING: If you have accounts with 2FA open before the update, do not forget to turn off 2FA protection by click "Del 2FA" button!
It will open again automatically after the update.
•WARNING: You need to get a new SageClientKey with CodePicker after the update!
•WARNING: If the IP you are using is too slow, you may get a CL-ERR during login!

•Improved: Direct Mode.
•Disabled: Macro Mode disabled until next update!
•Added: Multi-Region support! Launcher locate and starts clients via region automatically. (clients must be installed in same parent folder)

•Fixed: General fixes has been made.
•Note: For safety recommended min. Block Control Range value is 2

•Fixed: Some login issues

•Added: Exploit Dmg
             -For this, you need a helper char.
             -The main and helper chars must be on the same map and channel.
             -You can set the connection between the main and helper via slot numbers.
             -Ex: On slot1 click "connect" and type "2" -> it'll connect slot1 and slot2.
             -(!) The slot connection will be active until you disconnect it!
             -(!) When one of the characters starts to attack, the other one will be disabled and will not be able to attack until it is restarted!
•Added: Safe Damage - It allows you to take less damage from mobs.
•Added: Extra inventory pages.
•Added: 2 different inventory sort algorithm. (Index/Vnum)
•Added: Inventory Empty Slot Limit option (sell settings)
             -(!) If you have a route on some dungeons that needs a ticket, be carefull when setting this to get ticket from chest!
•Added: Auto-Upgrade Weapons - It'll buy best weapon, upgrade and use it. (Auto-Equipment settings)
             -You can use this option if there is no quest weapon.
             -(!) For this, "Get Quest Weapon" option must be disabled!
•Added: Lycan option to Char Creator.
•Removed: (!) Attack speed limitations. Be careful when setting the attack speed!
•Fixed: Doing attack just before teleport issue.
•Fixed: Not equip arrow bag issue.
•Fixed: Inventory sort and stack items issue while fishing.

• Fixed: Some features have been fixed in the latest update and general server maintenance has been completed.

• Added: AccTool - First character added to export fields for keep alchemy refine char.
• Added: AccTool - Import Account Only, you can load mail:pw:id from txt file to panel.
• Improved: Direct Login - You can login to multiple accounts and regions has same mail now.
• Fixed: Walk Mode.
• Fixed: Alchemy npc loop issue.
• Fixed: Freeze issue on Shop Map if sell to fisherman option is enabled and inventory is full.
• Fixed: ShopBot server name issue (.price file).
• Fixed: Lycan map issue.

• Fixed: Login issues.

General server maintance and client improvements has been made.

• Fixed: Some teleport issues have been fixed.
• Fixed: Some alchemy issues have been fixed.
• Fixed: Some systemic issues on the client side have been fixed.

NOTE: You must now launch SageBot via Patcher.exe (v1.0.3).

• Fixed: General fixes has been made.
• Improved: Attack.
• Improved: Teleport.

WARNING: Before update, you should delete "SageBot/res" folder.
WARNING: WALK may not work properly, we're working on it.

• Fixed: General fixes were made after maintenance.

WARNING: Map files need to be update due to some server-side situations that have changed on maps.
Be sure to delete the "SageBot/res" folder before updating!

• Added: Shopbot
• Added: Chat Spam (Other page)
• Added: Attack Type - Continuous
- Only Near: Always attacks the nearest targets.
- Continuous: Attacks the same targets until they go out of range or die.
• Fixed: The problems experienced in the 2FA system have been fixed.
• Fixed: Fixed the issue of not continuing when dc/crash happens during the alchemy refine process.
• Fixed: Fixed the issue of not using other skills when the toggle skill is active.
• Fixed: Fixed a hanging issue experienced when exiting the lycan map on lvl 5.
• Fixed: Pickup - The problem of not collecting what is in the list when the Min. Price and Pickup Filter features are active at the same time.
- Now you must activate both features to collect items above a certain yang + items in the list.
• Checked: Fishbot - Hanging problem experienced when the inventory is full (less than 15 slots left).
- This problem is caused by the fact that when the inventory is full and no item is selected in the Sell list.

• Removed: CPU+ - We have removed this feature for now because it does not work very efficiently and causes some system problems.
• Improved: Launcher - Improvements have been made to the ongoing shutdown issue on some systems.
• Added: Alchemy Refine - After completing the alchemy quests,
When the number of Cor reaches the specified amount in marked character's inventory, it refines the alchemists.
You can choose how much Cor to open at once maximum.
The refine delay value is 1000(ms) minimum.
• Added: Events - FishPuzzle
• Added: Donate EXP - %EXP value - Now a donation will be made when your EXP value reaches a certain percentage.